Motorola sets a countdown timer for its iPad killer

This one is IMO the only thing that looks like a real competitor to the iPad. Yes we have seen little of Android for tablet aka Honeycomb by Google and Motorola hasn’t released anything officially yet, apart from a teaser video. The Motorola teaser video talks about the evolution of tablets and calls the iPad a large iPhone (doesn’t spare Samsung Galaxy Tab either) and asks us to wait till CES 2011 to get a look at Motorola’s response.

Motorola is expected to let out a Honeycomb powered tablet at CES and adding to the teaser video, they now have a countdown timer on their site. The countdown ends with Motorola’s keynote at CES in January. Motorola is calling it ‘Ready to skip a generation’. We shall be at CES and would bring you the latest from Motorola’s keynote. You can see the teaser video below:

Visit the count down site